Archive - Alumni Awards of Merit

Alumni Awards Celebration

Attend the 2024 Alumni Awards Celebration

Western's Alumni Association is pleased to offer an annual awards program that recognizes alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their professions or communities. The accomplishments of Western's alumni around the world bring credit and recognition to their Alma Mater. View past recipients.

In return, the Alumni Awards of Merit program seeks to identify and recognize alumni for their achievements.

An Awards Selection Committee carefully reviews all nominations for the four prestigious awards. Recipients are invited to attend an awards banquet to be recognized by Western and fellow alumni. Each receives an elegant Alumni Award of Merit recognition piece as a keepsake and their name is listed permanently on a plaque in Alumni Hall.

Dr. Ivan Smith Award
The Dr. Ivan Smith Award is named in honour of the Alumni Association's first president, who was also a pioneer in cancer research and treatment. This award is Western Alumni's highest tribute, recognizing significant and sustained contributions to the Alumni Association, The University of Western Ontario and society in general. The recipient will have made contributions in at least two of these areas.

Professional Achievement Award
This award recognizes superior achievement in a professional field. The recipient is a role model, setting standards of excellence to which others can aspire. Recipients may have made their contributions in business, academics, athletics, government service, not-for-profit leadership, the arts, or any other career path.

Community Service Award
This award pays tribute to alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their community. They have enriched the lives of others through their involvement with civic, charitable, social and humanitarian causes.

Young Alumni Award
The Young Alumni award recognizes significant contributions by an individual in their field of endeavour, whether through professional achievement, community service or a combination of both. The recipient is aged 40 or under, and sets an inspirational example for Western students and young alumni.