National Volunteer Week 2023

Each year we celebrate the contributions of alumni volunteers and thank them for sharing their valuable time with Western. In the past year, nearly 500 alumni volunteers helped lead events, were featured as event networkers or speakers, acted as ambassadors in regions around the world and joined the Alumni Association Board of Directors. We greatly appreciate how our volunteers enrich the alumni experience.
Alumni ambassadors and regional volunteers are found around the world and act as representatives for Western at local events and connect with fellow area alumni. From Paris to Hong Kong to Toronto, you are never far from a Western connection.
Thank you to all our volunteers for their dedication to the Western community and for keeping us all connected!
Did you know?
All alumni are automatically part of Western’s Alumni Association and are entitled to the perks and opportunities for Western grads. The Association is led by an all-alumni Board of Directors, a group of 18 volunteers who contribute their expertise to inform programming, advocate on behalf of alumni and champion the alumni network.
Whether you were part of a varsity sports team, the marching band, the USC or remember your faculty fondly, there’s likely a shared interest group for you! These groups have various programming and offerings specific to their interest and welcome new members.