WMAA President's Message
Welcome to the new Mustangs Scoop and greetings from the Board of Directors of the Western Mustangs Athletic Alumni (WMAA). We hope that you enjoy this first edition, created by Therese Quigley, Chair of the Communications Committee, in collaboration with the volunteers on the Communications Committee (Rick Odegaard, Lisa Langley and Jack Sheffar, and Western Staff Liaisons: Jacquie Rose, Western Alumni, Deb Coward, Mustangs Communications and Devon Elliott, John P. Metras Museum Curator). You will be hearing more from them in the coming months and years. We are also excited to be currently recruiting for a new part-time Digital Communications Coordinator to support the work of this committee. We will be announcing the successful candidate within the next week on the WMAA website.
The board of the WMAA is a busy board comprised of a diverse group of 12 individuals covering ten different sports but reaching a helping hand out to all forty varsity teams at Western. The WMAA, a re-energized amalgamation of the former WAA and “W” Club has eight standing committees (Communications, Events, Executive, Finance, Governance, Grants, Hall of Fame, and Museum) keeping over 40 volunteers out of trouble.
If you would like to get involved, or have ideas for future newsletter articles or features, please contact mustangs.alumn@uwo.ca.
Rick Odegaard
President, WMAA