Reflecting on 2023 Western Mustang’s Sports Hall of Fame Dinner

By Jason Winders

hall of fame recap

Rarely are we afforded an opportunity to walk among giants.

But for one night in September, we did just that - celebrating those we have cheered for, played alongside and worked with. Alumni athletes whose positive influence began at Western and spread around the world.

It’s what makes the Western Mustangs Sports Hall of Fame Dinner so special.

I was lucky enough to host my mentor and friend, Bob Barney, LLD’14, who, along with Karen Danylchuk, MA'81, was honoured with a lifetime achievement award. You didn’t need to know either Mustang to understand their influence on the university. As they made their way across the ballroom, Karen and Bob were approached with a seemingly endless wave of best wishes from the crowd - for their coaching, teaching and influence. Each of these personal interactions were beautiful moments to witness.

Like many in attendance, I sat in the crowd and found myself lost in the stories of individuals and team inductees. I loved observing the lives that grew once these athletes left campus. Impressive student-athletes become impressive people. We had the proof before us.

We tend to forget how important nights like this can be. It’s easy to get lost in the cocktails and meal, the pageantry and speeches and the hard work of organizers. But recent years have shown us the significance of this event. The Mustangs Sports Hall of Fame Dinner is a night when we are reminded of the profound impact that a few can have. And we get to do so, in person, face to face, if only for a few hours.

As a historian, I too often stumble across the names of people not as lucky to have been celebrated in their moment. It’s a reminder that time is relentless, and even giants don’t walk the earth forever.

Thus, events like this hold a special place in our hearts as they offer an opportunity to express our gratitude, celebrate and honour those who have left an indelible mark on our lives.

In a world that constantly changes, where the spotlight can be fleeting, it’s essential to take a moment to cherish Western’s athletic giants.