Alumni Awards of Merit 2024 Nomination Form

Western's Alumni Association is pleased to offer an annual awards program that recognizes alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their professions or communities. The accomplishments of Western's alumni around the world bring credit and recognition to their Alma Mater.

In return, the Alumni Awards of Merit program seeks to identify and recognize alumni for their achievements. For more information about each Alumni Award of Merit, click here.

Notes for Nominators:

  • All letters of support are confidential and will be viewed only by members of the Recognition Committee.
  • It is recommended that the nomination remain confidential and not shared with the nominee.
  • Posthumous nominations will not be accepted.
  • Bullet points are preferred.
  • We look forward to receiving your nomination.

Thank you for your interest in nominating a Western Alum for an Alumni Award of Merit. Nominations for 2024 are now closed. Nominations for the 2025 Alumni Awards of Merit will open in October 2024.
For questions or comments, please contact