Shanghai, China

Alumni Ambassador
Your Alumni Ambassador can help you: expand your local network; make connections with fellow alumni; bring your ideas back to campus; and keep you informed about upcoming alumni events and initiatives. Connect today!

Linus Lin, BMOS’07
Profession: Banker HSBCInterests: Basketball, Golf, Travelling
Phone Number: 0086-13611823093
Wechat: linuszhenlin
I’m an Alumni Ambassador because: "My university life at Western was the best moment in my life. It is my honor to be the Alumni ambassador in Shanghai. I will do my best to help Western students and alumni in China. Please reach out to me if you want to meet new friends and alumni in Shanghai."

Lisa Li, MEng’20
Profession: SourcingInterests: Violin, reading, traveling
Wechat: zli951021
I’m an Alumni Ambassador because: "During my time studying at Western, I not only had the opportunity to make cherished friendships but also broadened my global perspective through the diverse resources available at the university. It is my genuine love for Western that motivates me to become a alumni ambassador and give back to Western by actively bringing alumni together in Shanghai."

Tony Jaw, BA'94
Profession: Trade, Investment, Consulting, and AdvisoryEmail:
Phone Number: +86-13601751733
Wechat: tonyjaw
I’m an Alumni Ambassador because: "As a purple and proud Western alum, I am passionate about promoting and strengthening Western’s presence in Shanghai through the alumni network. My positive experiences and friendships at Western have inspired me to act as a bridge that connects alumni in Shanghai with each other and with Western."

Wallace Chu, BA’97
Profession: Engineer and Sporting Event ManagementInterests: Sports, Travelling, Photography, Music
Wechat: chuwally
I’m an Alumni Ambassador because: "My time at Western was integral to my development both professionally and personally. As a "Purple and Proud" Western alumnus, I am keen to share my past experiences as a student, and support and connect with both current students and alumni in different cities across China and beyond."