Beijing, China

Alumni Ambassador
Your Alumni Ambassador can help you: expand your local network; make connections with fellow alumni; bring your ideas back to campus; and keep you informed about upcoming alumni events and initiatives. Connect today!

Aryn Du, BA’15
Profession: University Officer, Peking UniversityInterests: Travelling, movies, squash, meeting new people
“Attending Western and developing my own purple pride gave me a great sense of community. It makes me more than happy to share my own experiences with fellow alumni in Beijing, and to give back to Western by developing alumni relations locally and internationally.”

Joe Niu, BA’16
Profession: Charity AdministrationInterests: Mountaineering, Biking
Wechat: niugeng1018
“My four-years in university was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. As an alumnus, I will dedicate time and energy to promote Western alumni activities, benefits, and services with fellow alumni in Beijing.”