Untangle Money

Kristine Beese, MBA'10
Online from East York
Untangle Money’s goal is to get a financial plan into the hands of one million women in the next 4 years. Our hero product is our Untangle MINI. Think of it like a combination of your financial health checkup and your financial compass. The Untangle MINI shows you where you stand today, and teaches you about the changes you can make if you want to be safely in the driver’s seat. We focus you on your two most important money metrics so that you’re not adding to your mental load. And we do not shame you or judge the way you spend your money. Just like a compass points you to your north, after you have walked some distance, you’ll want to check in with your compass to ensure you’re still heading in the right direction. Proudly, the Untangle MINI works. We’re seeing a 30% reduction in women’s financial anxiety, which is women’s number one source of stress.
Western Alumni Discount
We are happy to give Western alumni a 20% discount. Use WESTERN20 on any of our products!