Giving to Western Giving to Western Western University

TO: Western Student

I know this part of the school year can be a real sprint with finals to cram for, papers to write, and cold, long waits for the bus to endure. That's why it's paramount that you listen to that voice inside you these weeks and take care of yourself, so you don't burn out. Give yourself time each day to sleep and recharge your batteries. Eat something daily that grew directly out of the ground or off a tree. Breathe some fresh air daily even if it's through a facemask. Lean on those around you that want what's best for you, whether that's your family or roommates, or that friendly employee at your favourite Shawarma spot that always gives you extra hummus because you're a starving student and they believe in you! So, hang in there, and you'll be on break in no time!

Patrick Searle BA'11 (King's),
Toronto ON, Canada

Off campus
patsearle patsearle

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