Giving to Western Giving to Western Western University

TO: Western Student

First year of University is tough as it is. I can only imagine x100 with COVID and x 1000 with being virtual and limited ability to have in-person connections with friends and classmates right now. Although it may not be the year you imagined, congrats on making it this far -- just a few more exams and/or final papers to go! No matter the end result, kudos to you on your resilience of starting post-secondary in the whirlwind of 2020. Please reach out if you have any questions at all or need support.

Courtney Price BHSc, 2015,
Ottawa ON, Canada
Health Sciences
Medway-Sydenham Hall 2011-2012
courtprice courtprice16

@westernuAlumni #purpleandproud #kindmail