Giving to Western Giving to Western Western University

TO: Western Student

Wishing you luck and sending some positive vibes your way this exam season! This time of year is tough especially in a year like this. Taking time for yourself, seeing your favourite people and asking for help when you need it can make all the difference when you need to brighten your day. I hope residence life is treating you well Med-Syd Hall is home is some of my favourite Western memories. Have fun, be kind and remember that no matter how gloomy things feel, it will all be okay in the end. You've got this!


Carla Rawson BA '19 & MMJC '20,
Toronto ON, Canada
Information & Media Studies
Medway-Sydenham Hall 201517
RawsonCarla carlarawson

@westernuAlumni #purpleandproud #kindmail