TO: Western Student
Hey! You got this! Exams are tough and this year is absolutely bonkers, but I know you'll get through it and look back in the near future and think, "hey, that wasn't so bad." Things always seem harder in the moment, but hindsight offers a perspective you're often unable to fathom beforehand; that things aren't that bad. Think of all the times in the past when you thought things were tough. Well guess what? You got through it!!! Because you're here today! So do that one more time, mmmk? One of the biggest struggles during my degree was in my third year-- when I found it extremely challenging to sleep for a number of weeks due to anxiety regarding school work. Finally, the one tactic that truly helped was meditation. I'm not a crazy hippy, trust me! Just give it a try, it won't hurt you!
Julian Drazilov HSp. Mathematics '20,
Off campus