Strategic Plan

Alumni Association Strategic Plan
Western University’s Alumni Association Board of Directors is proud to represent graduates who make a difference. We feel very fortunate to serve a diverse and multifaceted alumni audience and strive to enhance alumni engagement.
Starting in late 2021, the Board conducted several strategic planning sessions to update and reaffirm our vision, mission, and key activities to drive our outcomes.
The resulting strategic plan will guide the work of the Board, volunteers and dedicated staff partners to make a positive impact for our alumni.
Our mission and vision
VISION: To inspire all alumni to share a lifelong commitment, pride and passion for Western.
MISSION: We are the catalyst for building a vigorous alumni network and a lifelong relationship among Western and its constituents, including students and graduates, and for supporting the University’s mission locally, nationally and internationally, as set out in the University’s Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan Core Values and Themes
Core Values

- We increase pride in Western among alumni.
- We create meaningful opportunities to become engaged and feel a part of Western’s success.
- We work to strengthen Western’s reputation and the value of a Western degree.
- We create a welcoming and inclusive alumni experience.
- We promote diversity and equity throughout the alumni community.
- We celebrate the alumni community and foster connectedness.
- We garner investment of time, talent and gifts from alumni and their networks.
- We strive to make a difference in the lives of alumni and students.
- We support the University’s strategic direction and initiatives.

Listen to alumni voices
- We advocate to the University on behalf of alumni, hold the Western Alumni Summit bringing together alumni groups, and seek formal and informal alumni input through various mediums.
- Ensure breadth and impact of Alumni Network
- We promote and champion the Mustang-to-Mustang Network and Western Alumni social channels, while supporting the Ambassador Program and chapters.
- Foster pride (Purple & Proud)
- We celebrate and promote signature Western events such as Homecoming and Western Day. We also utilize and promote various alumni perks and benefits.
- Enable personal and professional growth
- We shape, support and participate in alumni engagement initiatives such as career development, lifelong learning and mentorship opportunities.
- Encourage student engagement
- We support and participate in alumni engagement initiatives such as Transitional Programming and Alumni Student Programming.
Provide lasting legacy of alumni impact
- We steward the Alumni Association’s Legacy Fund and celebrate alumni achievements through awards and recognitions.
- Facilitate sharing of time and knowledge
- We provide a variety of diverse volunteer opportunities, including participation on our Alumni Association Board.
- Support fundraising priorities
- We encourage and promote alumni donations and participate in the University’s fundraising campaigns.