A Message from Acting Chair, Dr. Patricia Corcoran
I’m excited to be writing to you as we head into the spring season. It’s hard to believe I’ve been in the Acting Chair role since November 1st, and my term will continue until June 30th, 2026. In the meantime, we’re putting out an internal call for our next department chair, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Earth Sciences.
I’m extremely grateful for the support I’ve received from our faculty, staff, and students. My main goal in this role is to work together to increase undergraduate enrolment and make Western the top destination for Earth and Environmental Science students.
A big thank you to Drs. Sheri Molnar and Wyatt Bain, as well as Karmen Ferraro, for making our Vancouver Roundup alumni reception a wonderful success! Earlier this month we also hosted a reception at PDAC, where Wyatt once again served as the gracious host, with Karmen and our new Administrative Officer, Jennifer Devlin, lending their expertise. Jenn has kept me on my toes since I've "held office" - I'm thankful for her collaboration, diligence, friendliness, and no-nonsense attitude. I would be remiss in not mentioning how valuable our program coordinator, Amy Wickham, has been. Amy will soon be on maternity leave (congratulations, Amy!), but before she leaves, she has been an essential leader alongside Drs. Cam Tsujita (Undergraduate Chair) and Rob Schincariol (Education Policy Committee Representative) in preparing for our upcoming program and course changes. More news on that in our next newsletter!
The Outcrop Club will be hosting another Geoball tomorrow, March 15. This is our department’s annual formal event for students, staff, faculty, and their guests. In addition to a dinner, games, and speeches, Geoball is an evening full of laughs, music, and camaraderie. Alumni are always welcome!
Best wishes for an early spring, and keep on rockin’!